1. The focus on my camera isn´t working properly.

2. The Disney organization does seem to focus a bit too much on hair.

3. As the number of AIDS cases around the world rapidly increases, nations are showing great focus in battling this common enemy — attacking rich and poor countries the same.

4. According to WHO, this international effort has produced two critical developments: first, there is an amazing level of world-wide focus, using world scientists and international sharing of human and economic resources to fight AIDS.

5. "Here we really begin to focus on having a fruitful relationship with each student.

6. Our focus is really about teacher to student and then we together deal with the…academics.

7. In 1986 she licensed the copyrights to the cards to Sunrise Publications, who now manages their production and distribution, allowing her to focus on other projects.

8. Focus on the first seven seconds. What did you feel and think? How did you "read" the other person?

9. Finally, make practice tests so you can focus on those areas in which you need the most work.